Why Use a Portable Pelicase Computer?

Why Use A Portable Computer

I have a laptop, why would I need a portable Pelicase computer?

We often see examples of field-based test or surveillance equipment based on a laptop computer. If the application is in a reasonably benign environment and there aren’t too many external real-world connections the laptop or tablet can be a good solution.

If, however the environment is harsh or there are a number of real-world sensors to take readings from, then a custom solution may be a better way forward.

At BVM we have created a number of custom designs for our customers.  These are typically built into a “Pelicase” for environmental protection and transportability. They are used in such diverse applications as forensic analysers of phones and tablets by the military, quality verification on construction sites, inspection test sets for aeroplane manufactures and fuel system monitoring on airfields.

A typical portable Pelicase computer will have one or two screens between 7 and 17inches in size, a keyboard or perhaps just a mouse or tracker ball and a connection panel to bring out any custom I/O connectors.  Inside any custom I/O cards can be fitted together with whatever storage media is appropriate.

Why Use a Portable Pelicase Computer

It may be standalone, collecting data internally for later evaluation in the office, or more frequently these days connected to a 4G network and operated as an IoT device.

An important part of the design is the power supply.  These range from re-chargeable, hot-swappable batteries to a simple mains connection.

At BVM we have many years experience of designing and building this type of equipment. We have solved the issues of cooling, ruggedizing and compliance.  If you have a project, give us a call and talk over what is involved with one of our team.

Why Use a Portable Peli Case Computer
Our Rugged, Portable Peli Case PCs never need resuscitation.

We like to make life easier ….

BVM supply a wide and diverse range of Industrial and Embedded Systems.
From Industrial Motherboards, SBCs and Box PCs, to Rack Mount computers and Industrial Panel PCs.

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You can Call us on +(0) 1489 780 144 and talk to one of the team | E-mail us at sales@bvmltd.co.uk | Use our quick contact form here

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