MACTRON GROUP: Medical, Industrial Automation & Business Solutions

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BVM have worked with the MACTRON GROUP (MTG) since 2018 – and are considered to be a leading brand & solution provider for industrial grade Touch (‘All-In-One’) systems and embedded system PC’s for application deployed within a number of market verticals.

In short, MACTRON GROUP provide industrial grade Touch PC solutions, focussing in Medical Healthcare, Industrial Automation and Commercial environments.

Their comprehensive product lines include Panel PC systems, Box PC systems, Touch Display Monitors and Mobile Tablet PC’s to satisfy a variety of market requirements.

By taking full advantage of the latest technologies deployed withing embedded electronics, MACTRON GROUP are committed to delivering products with forward-thinking features and best-in-class customer service in association with their UK partner, BVM Ltd.

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Medical Healthcare

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Industrial Automation

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Business / Commercial

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Medical Healthcare Market

MACTRON GROUP’s MediTRON focus on Medical Healthcare segment.

Aesthetics, ease of ‘clean down’ and longevity are crucial factors in the medical industry when sourcing medical grade PC’s. By offering features such as anti-bacterial (wipe down) surfaces and sharp graphics with high contrast 1920 x 1080 resolution (HD) TFT screens, the MediTRON range help the medical industry to make more accurate diagnoses and identify core aetiologies. To date, applications covered by the MediTRONrange has included surgical procedures, medical carts, beside terminals and mobile X-Ray – to name but a few.

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Application Usages

Solutionapp Pharmacy

Intelligent Pharmacy

Solutionapp Nursing

Nursing Workstation

Solutionapp DataAccess

Data Access

Solutionapp MobileData

Mobile Data

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Industrial Automation Market

MACTRON GROUP’s AutoTRON focus on Industrial Automation segment.

MACTRON GROUP have developed  a range of scalable embedded system PC(‘Box’ PC’s), PPC (Panel PC), TDM (Touch Display Monitor) and MTP (Mobile Tablet PC) solutions with power, flexibility and cost-effectiveness at their core to make them viable solutions for a cross mix of general industrial applications. The AutoTRONseries offer an industrial-grade aluminium front bezel design for Panel PC’s with the aim to communicate with other industrial machines & process control solutions in order to enhance productivity, quality and ultimately – promote efficiencies within a manufacturing process environment. Applications that lend themselves to the AutoTRON series include food processing, packaging, robotics for factory operations and general HMI where monitoring and control of processes are required.

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Application Usages

Solutionapp Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Solutionapp VehicleDiagnostic

Vehicle Diagnostic

Solutionapp InventoryManage

Inventory Management

Solutionapp ProductionArea

Production Area

Solutionapp MESManage

MES Management

Solutionapp mounting

Mounting Solution

Solutionapp GAS

Gas Station

Solutionapp DataScanning

Data Scanning

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Business Commercial Market

MACTRON GROUP’s CommTRON focus on business commercial segment.

The CommTRON range of products consist of wide range of Panel PC’s, Touch Display Monitors, Box PC’s and Mobile Tablet PC solutions, built to streamline daily operation of the demanding, high volume commercial transaction/point-of-purchase applications locations for virtually any type of retail environment including interactive vending machines, fitness club reward schemes, in-restaurant ordering systems and gaming/lottery applications.

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Application Usages

Solutionapp picking

Warehouse Picking

Solutionapp InventoryChecking

Inventory Checking

Solutionapp kioskA

Android Kiosk

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BVM Design and Manufacturing Services

Where a bespoke solution is needed (low level of complex) consider BVM’s bespoke custom designed solution services

  • BVM have a portfolio of standard (‘off the shelf’) industrial PC or embedded PC product solutions (motherboards, panel PC’s, system PC’s) to provide for a wide variety of application uses and needs.
  • Where something a little more specialised is needed, please consider BVM’s bespoke custom designed solution services where we provide configured systems with memory, storage and optimised embedded operating systems. And if you need further advice around a system that’ll  meets your specific requirements, then speak with our in house design team who will talk to you around designing your product from ground up; concept, design, development and production.

We like to make life easier ….

At BVM, we don’t just supply products, we deliver comprehensive computing solutions tailored to suit your unique requirements. With over 30 years of expertise in the industry, our dedicated sales team is ready to help you through select the perfect rugged, industrial or embedded hardware for your next project.

We supply a wide and diverse range of Industrial and Embedded Systems. From Industrial Motherboards, SBCs and Box PCs, to Rack Mount computers and Industrial Panel PCs. If you can’t find an off-the-shelf solution that fits, our in-house design team is at your service to craft a customized solution that exceeds your expectations.

You can Call us on +(0) 1489 780 144 and talk to one of the team | E-mail us at | Use our quick contact form here

BVM Design and Manufacturing Services: The manufacturer behind the solutions you know

When a standard embedded design won’t suffice for what you need, you can always turn to BVM for help and use our custom design and manufacturing services.