Industry - Transport - Rail

When global government drives to further increase the efficiencies of their national transportation systems in delivering reliable and flexible services, the involvement of technology to play its part in helping deliver those services has never been greater.

BVM’s transportation solutions can help address, what can often be, complex requirements via rugged Motherboards, Panel PCs and Industrial System PCs. Our products can meet the demands of harsh working temperatures (-40°C to +85°C) and are equipped with a wide power input range to ensure operation remains ‘up’ and continued in those environments.

Where a more befitting or tailored solution is required, with its complement of integration services BVM can help you with BIOS or O/S customisation. With more than 30 years of experience of being a provider of embedded solutions & associated services, BVM can comprehensively support you in providing and assisting with intelligent transportation applications.
BVMs Transportation Solutions

Transportation Solutions

Aviation Solutions
Marine Solutions
Rail Solutions
In-vehicle Solutions

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